Mexico > Guerrero > Taxco de Alarcón > Mexcaltepec, Guerrero (Taxco De Alarcón)

Mexcaltepec, Guerrero (Taxco De Alarcón)

Mexcaltepec, Guerrero (Taxco De Alarcón) is located at a height of 930 meters above sea level in the municipality of Taxco de Alarcón in Guerrero, Mexico. Its geographic location is at latitude: 18.418889 and longitude: -99.545278.

Map of Mexcaltepec, Guerrero (Taxco De Alarcón)


Mexcaltepec, Guerrero (Taxco De Alarcón) is populated by 588 people. The total population consists of 28 children aged 0 to 2 years, 32 aged 3 to 5 years, 49 children aged 6 to 11 years, 41 teenagers between 12 and 14 years and 45 aged 15 to 17 years. The number of adult people aged 18 to 24 is 98, in the age group of 25 to 60 years are 225 people and the over 60 years old people are represented by 70 people.

Dividing the overall population of 588 inhabitants in only three age groups result in: 150 people aged 0 to 14, 378 people aged 15 to 64 and 54 people aged 65 or more years. The male-female ratio is 97.32 men per 100 woman and the birth rate (fertility rate) is 2.62 children per woman.

Indigenous population

There are no households known where the head or his partner speaks an indigenous language.


While 533 people were born in the same state, 47 were born in another Mexican state. The total number of people older than 5 years who lived in this state between 2005 and 2010 is 519, the number of those older than 5 years who lived in 2005 in another state is 6 people.


57 of the 588 living in Mexcaltepec, Guerrero (Taxco De Alarcón) have some form of disability, activity limitation, mental or physical condition.

  • Mobility impairment: 35
  • Visual impairment: 14
  • Communicating: 3
  • Hearing disability: 13
  • Physical disability: 0
  • Learning and thinking: 6
  • Mental health: 3

A total of 525 people is free of disabilities. Read about disabilities.

School and education


In the age group of 8 to 14 years about 0 people do not know read or write and 43 of the group 15 and older are in that same situation.


  • Aged 3 to 5 years: 6 do not visit school
  • Aged 6 to 11 years: 3 do not visit a school
  • Aged 12 to 14 years: 1 do not visit a school
  • Aged 15 to 17 years: 32 do visit a school
  • Aged 18 to 24 years: 36 do visit a school

15 years and older

  • 43 do not have any school degree or at most preschool.
  • 72 did visit primary school up to the fifth class (incomplete).
  • 60 finished primary school (6 years complete).
  • 20 two years at secondary school at least (incomplete).
  • 91 three years at secondary school (complete).


Within the group of adults over 18 years 133 do have a scholar degree after having completed secondary school or high school. Like Bachelor, technical schools, university, master or doctor degrees. This group divides into 63 males and 70 females. While the populations medium degree is 7.91, the male population do have a medium degree of 7.72, the female population one of 8.08

Economic characteristics

Economically active

The economically active population, people how are employed or actively seeking employment, is 246 people. 158 of this fraction are male and 88 are female. Economically inactive are about 227 people. The active fraction divides in 242 occupied and 4 unoccupied people.

Social security and public health care

While 302 people have access to one of the social security systems in Mexico, about 279 individuals are without health insurance.

Access to the services of the Mexican Social Security Institute IMSS have 157 people. 52 people do have the right to access the ISSTE, 0 find their security at ISSSTE and 88 have access to the public health insurance, Seguro Popular.

Marital Status

About 185 people of the age group 12 years and older are unmarried or singles. The number of people who are married or who are living in a conjugal relationship is 235 and there are 53 people who are separated, divorced or widowed.


The large fraction of 533 people are Roman Catholics, 21 people are Christians, mostly Protestants and similar historic religions. Other religions like Judaism, Islam, New Age, Ethnic religions and even religious movements are preferred by 0 individuals and finally about 9 are without any religion or are atheists.


The total number of homes, private or not, occupied or not, with or without further information, is 196 and 148 of them are inhabited.

Private homes

The total number of private homes, with more detailed information available, is 194. With 146 occupied private homes and 38 unoccupied private homes. 10 are only for temporal use. As far as information is available the medium number of occupants in private homes is 582.

Economic status

In Mexcaltepec, Guerrero (Taxco De Alarcón) about 1 private homes do not have any of the following goods. 116 own a radio, 133 have a TV, 137 own a fridge, a washing machine is available in 94 private homes and a car is available in 45. In 32 homes a PC is part of the standard of living. A cable telephone is available in 82, an internet connection can be found in 24 and 85 homes do have cellphones.

Equipment in private homes

  • Without floor other than soil: 22
  • Normal floor: 124
  • One bedroom: 51
  • Two or more bedrooms: 95
  • One room: 16
  • Two rooms: 28
  • Three or more rooms: 102

Services in private homes

  • With electricity: 145
  • Without electricity: 1
  • Tubed water: 3
  • Without tubed water: 143
  • With toilet: 138
  • Connected to the drainage: 134
  • Without drainage: 10
  • Fully equipped homes: 3
All data is based on the 2010 published data of the Mexican National Institute of Statistics and Geography

Map of Mexcaltepec, Guerrero (Taxco De Alarcón)

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Mexico > Guerrero > Taxco de Alarcón > Mexcaltepec, Guerrero (Taxco De Alarcón)